You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.7. DEBTORS Menu: Debtors Ledger > 1.7.2. Debtors - Debtors Transaction Processing > Debtors Transaction Processing - Debtor Payments > Debtor Payments - Open Item Debtors > Posting a Payment Against a Specific Invoice
Posting a Payment Against a Specific Invoice

If you want to post a payment against one or more specific invoices:

  1. Display the Debtors Payments (Open Item) screen.

Refer to "Debtor Payments - Open Item Debtors".

  1. Find and select the first invoice you want to post the payment against.
  2. Either double click on the payment or press the Enter key.

Micronet displays the Enter Payment Amount screen.

Micronet displays the following fields:





Debtor Number

The debtor ID and name.


Posting Date

The date the selected invoice was posted.


Reference No

The invoice number.



The description entered on the invoice.



The General Ledger period in which the invoice was posted.


Total Payment

The total amount of this payment as entered on the Debtors Payments screen.


Invoice Amount

The total amount of the original invoice.


Already Paid

Any amount already paid against the invoice, e.g. a deposit.


Invoice Balance

The balance owing on the invoice.


Posted Already

The amount of this payment that has already been posted against the invoice.





Book Value



Payment Rate







Technical Tip

The data entry fields on this screen are documented in the steps below.

  1. Optionally, select the Inquiry button to view the original invoice details.

Micronet displays the Invoice Inquiry screen showing the items and quantities ordered. Close the Invoice Inquiry screen when you have finished.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Payment Amount

Micronet displays the balance of this payment remaining to be allocated.

To allocate all or part of the total payment to this invoice, you can either:

  • accept the amount displayed (the balance remaining to be allocated up to the Invoice Balance amount)
  • manually enter the portion of the total payment you want to allocate against this invoice
  • select the Pay All button to allocate the maximum amount available to the transaction.



Technical Tip

If you entered the payment amount in a foreign currency on the Debtors Payments screen, check that the Invoice Amount and Payment Amount fields are equal.



Retention Function

This feature is normally only used by customers who have invoiced jobs or projects where the customer is going to retain an amount of money from each payment received. The options are:

  • No Retention - no retention is applicable to this payment
  • Retain Amount - ask for the retention amount
  • Pay Retention - this payment is entirely for paying retention.


Retention Amount

This field is only active if you selected Retain Amount or Pay Retention in the previous field.

If you selected Retain Amount, Micronet displays the amount to be retained. You can change this if required.

If you selected Pay Retention, enter the amount of any retention applicable for this invoice.

For more information on retentions, refer to "Debtors Transaction Processing - Adjust Retention".


Discount Amount

Enter any discount applicable.

Micronet automatically calculates the discount if the customer is entitled to an on-time payment discount as set in the Debtor master file. You can override this discount amount if you have appropriate access.




Access to override the Discount Amount is set using the Override Settlement Discounts and Override Settlement Discounts at <$1.00 fields on the user ID – see "Maintenance - Edit UserIDs - 4. MDS Security"). If you don't have appropriate access, Micronet displays an error message.



Technical Tip

2.8 Feature

You can set how Micronet applies on-time discounts in the On Time Discounts Apply to Order Total field on the Debtors Configuration screen – see "Edit - Program - Debtors". On-time discounts can be applied to the entire invoice total, or only to invoice lines where the gross profit is greater than the minimum GP set for the product category.



Finance Charge



GST Adjustment

Enter any GST adjustment that applies to this invoice.

  1. Select the Accept button.

Micronet redisplays the Debtors Payments - Open Item screen and updates the Posted and Left fields.

  1. Repeat the previous steps, if required, until you have allocated the total payment amount (i.e. This Pay should equal Posted).
  2. When you have finished allocating the payment amount, select the Accept button on the Debtors Payments - Open Item screen.

Micronet posts the payment and redisplays the Debtors Payments screen where you can enter another payment into the batch.


Technical Tip

If there is any portion of the total payment amount that has not been allocated, Micronet displays the Unallocated Payments screen – see "Posting a Payment as Unallocated" for more information.

  1. When you have finished entering payments, select the Cancel button on the Debtors Payments screen.

Micronet redisplays the Debtor Batch - Payments screen. See "Managing Completed Debtor Payments Batches" for information on this screen.